please go find her and enjoy for yourself. hahah I promise, it will change your life. (ok not change your life, but definitely make your night/day/afternoon...).
lryics & movies,
1. Star Girl -Jerry Spinelli (this is my most favorite of all time, it leaves me speechless)
2. The 5th of March- Ann Rinaldi (this woman is my hero)
3. The big Empty series -J.B. Stephens
4. The Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins (so odd, but yet so right)
5. Twilight -Stephenie Meyers (obviously)
6. Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger (a brilliant book)
7. East of Eden- John Steinbeck
8. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen (OMG don't even get me started, i wish time travel was possible to meet this woman)
OK and since Movies are a part of this: (my favorites right now, they periodically change)
1. Shakespeare in Love (I cry every time)
2. The holiday
3. Green Street Hooligans (so awesome in the worst way)
4. Across the Universe
5. Titanic
6. The Resident Evil movies (so bad ass)
7. Stranger than Fiction (so amazing, in a simple way)
8. My Sassy Girl (possibly one of my top 5)
9. American History X
10. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (I dont know why, but i could watch this movie over and over and laugh every time. comdeic genius)
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About Me
My Adventures in This So Called Life
They call me Amanda. I am very passionate and believe that life should be lived in vibrancy. I have these crazy dreams, and i know that they will come true one day. Family and friends are the most important things in my life, besides God. Im new at this, so go easy on me. I leave you with this, go out and forge your own future.

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